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IPA is an abbreviation for India Pale Ale, a style of beer that's been brewed since the 18th century. It's characterized by its hoppy flavor, high alcohol content and bitter taste. A classic IPA will be golden in color and have a fruity aroma with citrus notes from the use of American hops such as Cascade, Chinook or Citra.
The term "India pale ale" was first used by British brewers in the late 1700s to describe strong ales shipped to India during British rule there. At that time, water sources were often contaminated with bacteria and other microbes that could spoil beer within days after shipping it around the world on overcrowded ships. To make sure their product would arrive safe and sound to thirsty customers across Asia (and avoid losing any business), brewers developed techniques like adding extra malt along with hopping agents like Kent Golding or Fuggles varieties which help preserve beer during long journeys at sea without refrigeration facilities available back then; thus resulting into a stronger tasting beverage with higher alcohol percentage than regular pale lagers sold back home where freshness matters less than carbonation levels does now days because cans have been replaced by cans -- not bottles anymore!

Pilsner: A light-bodied lager with a mild flavor. This beer is pale in color and has a very delicate aroma, which is derived from the Saaz hop. It is the most common type of beer brewed today.

If you're looking for a dark beer, look no further. Stout is a rich, dark brew that's made with roasted barley, wheat and oats. These ingredients give it its signature color—you'll be able to identify stouts by their deep brown hue. While some stouts are dry and bitter, others can be sweet and creamy.
Stouts are often served alongside meals as they tend to pair well with food thanks to their rich body and sweet maltiness. They can also stand up against bolder flavors like spicy dishes or barbecue sauces (think pulled pork).

Amber Ale
Amber ales are medium bodied and generally not hoppy. They have a pronounced malty flavor, with notes of caramel and biscuit. Amber ales originated in the United States, but they’re now popular across the world because they pair well with food and can be consumed by beer drinkers who prefer lighter beers.

Wheat Beer
A wheat beer is a pale to golden-coloured, strongly flavoured and top-fermented beer that is brewed with a large proportion of wheat malt. The two most common varieties are Weissbier ('white beer' in German) and Kristallweizen ('crystal wheat'). The name 'Weißbier' is also used to describe beers that are served unfiltered (no yeast added) or naturally cloudy (with yeast). Darker versions exist as well, such as Dunkelweizen ("dark wheat") and Roggenbier ("rye beer"). Wheat beers have a long history in many countries, dating back to the Middle Ages in Germany. They became popular again during the 19th century when breweries started making them using bottom-fermenting yeasts rather than top fermenting lager yeast.

Beer comes in different varieties
Beer is made from hops, malt and water. It's a fermented beverage that's been around for thousands of years!
Beer comes in many different varieties. There are beers with high alcohol content and those that have low alcohol content; dark beers and light beers; sweet, malty tastes or bitter tastes; even fruity flavors. You can also try beer with different spices added to it (like ginger), or even herb-flavored beer!